Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Weird Coincidence

Today I was at my newest clients office and while doing some work in Quick books I noticed that one of the brother's birthday is tomorrow. As I was leaving work I told him, "Happy Birthday tomorrow! You have the same birthday as my husband. And your brother's birthday is just a few days after mine which is on December 8th."  He said, "No way, my wife's birthday is on December 8th too!" So we all have the exact same weird is that? 

I guess July and December birthdays are a good combo!:D


lucia m said...

great photos!


Lucy said...

I do love Ca. pictures. The flowers are beautiful, cute kids. I have got to add you back on my list so I can just click on you. When I went to the new interface I did not get all added. My new knee is just really way to sensitive and responds to any thing negative in other parts of my body. This is a real challenge for me. because I had it done the last of March and I was told it could be 6 months to a year before it is completely healed. Oh well I survived the physical therapy, I think I will forget about the knee.