It was supposed to be the perfect romantic date. My husband said he was taking me to a movie in the afternoon & then later that evening he had made dinner reservations for 7:00 p.m.
Now, being the good wife, I told him that I wanted to pay for dinner with my separate account, which I deposit money into from my Ebay & Skin Care sales.
Everything was going as planned, he took me to a cute little 'chick flick', "
When in Rome" and then we went home for a while before it was time for dinner.
We arrived at the restaurant a little early and a friend
(who is a waitress), that I've known for years (
our 21 yr. olds played football together since they were 7) snuck up behind me & gave me a hug. I haven't seen her in a while, we had a few minutes to catch up while we waited to be seated.
Dinner was amazing, (
Filet Mignon), & then desert (
Mocha Mud Pie). We were stuffed & ready to head home.
The bill came & I reached into my purse to get my credit card...but it wasn't there!
Okay now here is where I need to do a little explaining. Saturday we had another open house & had to find something to do with our dog for 4 hrs. again. I have a really big purse & always transfer my stuff into a small backpack that's easier to carry when we head down to dog beach.
I thought I had put everything back into my purse on Saturday evening.But as I continued to fumble through my wallet, I remembered that I had put my license & credit card into a
'secret' compartment so that it wouldn't fall out of the backpack.
The compartment was so secret that I had obviously forgotten to look there while transferring my things.
My husband left our other card at home because
I was treating.That is the moment when you have to make a choice.Dine & Dash or leave my hubby sitting in the booth while I drive home to get my card.
Hmmm...decisions...what to do?
It's like that cartoon, where the angel & devil is sitting on each shoulder, "Just go, who cares!" "Don't listen to him...that's stealing!"

JUST know what I did!
It took me about 15 minutes to get home and back. I have to admit, while I was driving I was cracking up, thinking about my poor hubby sitting there alone for 15 minutes while the waitress is probably watching him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't run out too.
On my way back I called him & said, "Hey, you better be
really nice to me because if I don't come back, they'll hold you hostage & make you wash dishes or something."
He didn't think it was very funny!
While he was sitting alone in the booth, some former players of his & their parents came walking up, "Hey coach, how you doing?"
He said he felt so stupid, sitting there all alone in the booth on Valentine's Day.
When I got back, I guess he had told our waitress the whole story & she must've gone in the back & told everyone else. My friend came up to the table laughing & said, "Why didn't you guys tell me? I would've vouched for you or paid for it with my card!"
So I guess the last laugh was on me! We headed out to a group of waiters & waitresses all standing there, cracking up & telling us, "Have a great night!"
How embarrassing...leave it to me!
Very romantic don't ya think?!?