June has been a whirlwind month for me. First Elijah's meningitis scare, high school graduation, visiting family, trip to Lake Arrowhead, jr. high graduation, Jullien's trip back to New York and now his trip to Paris for fashion week (This Sunday-July 8th). He got signed with the #1 modeling agency in Paris-
Marilyn (MGM) and they posted his pic in their show package
MODELS.COM.Yesterday I was in an exceptionally good mood and my husband asked, "What's up with you, why are you so happy?" That made me stop and think, "I guess I haven't been the most pleasant person to be around this month!" I realized that my good mood was due to the fact that Elijah's Jr. High graduation signaled the end of my BUSY June! It was a come down of emotions of sorts. Without even realizing it, I was feeling a relief. Funny how we can get so bunched up.
It's Friday and after work I have NOTHING!
Here's a few picture recaps:

Jullien picking up a teacher as he heads up to get diploma

Elijah, My stepdad and Sister Amy

My mom and Jullien

Me & my childhood friend Tierna

Elijah, Jullien and Christian (his girlfriends brother)

Jullien (with new laptop) & Joshy

The boys and my dad

The cake my sister Stacy had made for party

Family visiting Grandpa in Lake Arrowhead

My stepmom and sister Stacy (girls day out in Balboa)

Elijah's 8th grade graduation

La Familia

Graduation lunch at Claim Jumper