I've been really busy and having so much fun. I haven't blogged in a while but yes, I'm still here. My parents are in town...YAY! I didn't want my blogging friends to think I disappeared. I'll be posting some pics of our adventures...because you know how I like to be on the go.
Short post because I'm heading out to run some more errands with my mom...Stay Tuned!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Young Daisy's Battle

Daisy is a young girl who has been in a very serious battle. Not the battles that most of us go through, (excessive worry, bad days, struggle with finances, family or relationship problems)...but a battle of incredible magnitude.
I'm not making light of things that we all go through, because at the time, they are difficult...I KNOW...I've had my fair share and we all fall into the trap of letting our problems consume and control us. Almost to the point of making us quit, give up or grow bitter, angry and resentful.
Daisy's battle has been for her life. Her battle is with Wilms Tumor, a cancerous tumor of the kidneys. Daisy's example really puts my struggles into perspective. Sometimes I think we all need a little dose of this. Life, a gift from the Lord...so precious, something we all take for granted, until we see our loved ones battling for it.
Tonight Daisy's dad put up a post for his daughter. I saw it pop up on my blog roll and was so touched by what he wrote. Tomorrow is a BIG day for Daisy...please read the short amazing sentence & picture of beautiful Daisy here: 'PRAY FOR DAISY'.
Don't forget to say a prayer for Daisy tonight!
Friday, February 18, 2011
New York Fashion Week and More...
Jullien Herrera, (Red Models) for Number: Lab FW11

It's always nice to see a modern take on the 80's style collar worn by Jullien for New York Fashion Week, James Alix Thomas~Alix F/W 11 Show, seen here on Models.com.

James Alix Thomas Fall/Winter 2011
Photos: Stephan Moskovic
I love the jacket below and would definitely wear it! I've been intrigued with the art of layering lately. Mixing prints, patterns, vests, scarfs and jackets. It can be quite difficult if you don't know what your doing. Therein lies the art of fashion. Don't be too 'matchy-matchy' but also beware of putting too many things into one outfit. ART~FASHION=A person reflecting their personal canvas to the world.

What Goes Around Comes Around FW11

While In Milan for Fashion Week, Jullien did an interview for Essen-A Taste Magazine(Click Link.) He gave me props on my Taco's which is a family favorite. He also gave a recipe for a dinner he makes. WHAT? When did he learn to cook? Guess it's one of the +'s of sending him out on his own at 17...he's very self sufficient. I also gave him a hard time for his drinking comments, which he promptly told me, "Mom, the drinking age in Europe is 18 & so it's legal!"

It's always nice to see a modern take on the 80's style collar worn by Jullien for New York Fashion Week, James Alix Thomas~Alix F/W 11 Show, seen here on Models.com.

James Alix Thomas Fall/Winter 2011
Photos: Stephan Moskovic
I love the jacket below and would definitely wear it! I've been intrigued with the art of layering lately. Mixing prints, patterns, vests, scarfs and jackets. It can be quite difficult if you don't know what your doing. Therein lies the art of fashion. Don't be too 'matchy-matchy' but also beware of putting too many things into one outfit. ART~FASHION=A person reflecting their personal canvas to the world.

What Goes Around Comes Around FW11

While In Milan for Fashion Week, Jullien did an interview for Essen-A Taste Magazine(Click Link.) He gave me props on my Taco's which is a family favorite. He also gave a recipe for a dinner he makes. WHAT? When did he learn to cook? Guess it's one of the +'s of sending him out on his own at 17...he's very self sufficient. I also gave him a hard time for his drinking comments, which he promptly told me, "Mom, the drinking age in Europe is 18 & so it's legal!"
photo by Marcelo Dino for Essen
Jullien Herrera from Fashion Model Management
Picture for Essen Magazine-Be sure to read the article.
Thursday, February 17, 2011

I finally made it back into the gym this week. It's probably been 5 months or longer, but I'm at a point where I'm pretty much disgusted with myself (which is usually what it takes.)
Welcome to my life:
I walked into the gym, stood in front of an empty counter waiting to check in. A guy behind me walked up next to me and put his finger on a small scanner. I looked over to see what he was doing & started to read a sign right next to his hand, giving directions on the procedures. As I was reading, he was entering a pin number into a machine. He looked at me and said, "Are you trying to get my phone number? (guess that was his pin #.)
Realizing that it looked like I was staring at him and not reading the sign next to him, I looked up, face instantly red and muttered, "Uhhh, ummm, OH NO! I haven't been here in a long time and was trying to figure out what I was supposed to do!"
He laughed at me and headed up the stairs.
I stood waiting, feeling pretty dumb, until finally someone came up to help me.
Nothing like announcing to the entire gym, "I'm a big, lazy oaf who hasn't been here since the dark ages when you actually checked in with a person!" Not to mention, appearing to scope out someone's pin number and getting called out for it!
I wonder why things like this always happen to me?
I try to appear calm, cool and collected, you know, like I have it all together...then I get found out.
Yes, my name is Lisa and I'm a closet dork! I do stupid things alot.
This was one of my more mild incidents, but thought I'd give you a little walk through my daily bumbles. I spent the rest of my time at the gym trying to avoid the guy with the phone number, who seemed to be looking over at me and laughing throughout my workout!
I yigh yigh! Let's hope today's workout doesn't present more episodes...welcome to my world!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's Only a Kiss
"C'mon it's only a kiss on the cheek," I pleaded!

Elijah had his Winter Formal on Saturday night and decided to go with his boyzzz, as he calls them. Nowadays a lot of kids go with groups of friends instead of dates, like we used to, (do I sound old or what?) They have more fun because they can dance with whoever they want and not have to entertain one girl all night, typical boys!
So one of his best friends since he was 5 years old, Trenton came over for pictures. I took some with me and him before T got here.

I tried to lean over and get a picture of me kissing his cheek, but nooooo, little brat kept pulling away! I tried one final time and he was too quick. What happened to the days when he would run up, wrap his arms around me and say, "Mommy, I'm giving you a BIG Lijey hug!" Wa wa wa (yes , I say that whining)...I want my baby boy back!

My 15 year old baby boy!

Those days are long gone, I can't even sneak a kiss on the cheek!

Elijah & Trenton


Strategizing how to get the ladies!
Elijah had his Winter Formal on Saturday night and decided to go with his boyzzz, as he calls them. Nowadays a lot of kids go with groups of friends instead of dates, like we used to, (do I sound old or what?) They have more fun because they can dance with whoever they want and not have to entertain one girl all night, typical boys!
So one of his best friends since he was 5 years old, Trenton came over for pictures. I took some with me and him before T got here.
I tried to lean over and get a picture of me kissing his cheek, but nooooo, little brat kept pulling away! I tried one final time and he was too quick. What happened to the days when he would run up, wrap his arms around me and say, "Mommy, I'm giving you a BIG Lijey hug!" Wa wa wa (yes , I say that whining)...I want my baby boy back!
My 15 year old baby boy!
Those days are long gone, I can't even sneak a kiss on the cheek!
Elijah & Trenton
Strategizing how to get the ladies!
Friday, February 11, 2011
They Scream Spring

Spring approaches, sprouting up from the earth, awakening from their slumber, budding, opening, drinking in life giving sunlight, arising to become all they were created to be...

double click pictures for larger view-all photos by: lisa petrarca
Sitting, waiting...warmth, showering down, enveloping your soul, giving life, new beginnings...the earth screams spring.
blog surfing,
flower pictures,
opening up,
spring flowers,
Thursday, February 10, 2011
No More Waiting...Please
Trip to Lake Tahoe-stopped at abandoned house to take pics

Waiting for answers has to be one of the most torturous things! I thought I was getting better at it, until today. I hide things! I stuff my emotions down so deep that sometimes I don't really even know that I'm stressed or anxious. But my body knows and reacts in a very unfavorable way...forcing me to run to the bathroom with bad stomach cramps...I yigh yigh, and other unmentionables.
While waiting for my incident to pass, I got the call from my hubby that I'd been waiting for all morning.
He went into work thinking they were going to tell him early in the morning if he got the job that he went through two grueling interviews for. By noon I called and said, "WELL?" He was stressed too, but said they'd tell him at 2:45 p.m.
More waiting.....
More torture....
His friend (who interviewed for the position also) was going in at 2:30 to find out. My mind immediately went to, "Oh no, if Tom's first, he might've gotten it." Unfortunately that comment snuck out while I was on the phone with my hubby. Which of course didn't make him very happy, "Thanks a lot...it's not like I wasn't already stressed enough! I gotta go!" and he hung up on me. Oops...me and my big mouth. Sometimes things just slip out and I think, "Did I really just say that out loud?"
So it's not bad enough that I was starting to wig out, I made my hubby even more nervous, nice wife!
The phone call finally came as I sat in the bathroom, I picked it up with a tentative, "Well?"
He said, "What do you think?
Very softly, with a questioning voice, I said "Yes?????"
"YES! I GOT THE JOB!!!" he shouted back.
I'm so excited and if I ever have to wait an entire day again, it'll be too soon! No more waiting...PLEASE!

Waiting for answers has to be one of the most torturous things! I thought I was getting better at it, until today. I hide things! I stuff my emotions down so deep that sometimes I don't really even know that I'm stressed or anxious. But my body knows and reacts in a very unfavorable way...forcing me to run to the bathroom with bad stomach cramps...I yigh yigh, and other unmentionables.
While waiting for my incident to pass, I got the call from my hubby that I'd been waiting for all morning.
He went into work thinking they were going to tell him early in the morning if he got the job that he went through two grueling interviews for. By noon I called and said, "WELL?" He was stressed too, but said they'd tell him at 2:45 p.m.
More waiting.....
More torture....
His friend (who interviewed for the position also) was going in at 2:30 to find out. My mind immediately went to, "Oh no, if Tom's first, he might've gotten it." Unfortunately that comment snuck out while I was on the phone with my hubby. Which of course didn't make him very happy, "Thanks a lot...it's not like I wasn't already stressed enough! I gotta go!" and he hung up on me. Oops...me and my big mouth. Sometimes things just slip out and I think, "Did I really just say that out loud?"
So it's not bad enough that I was starting to wig out, I made my hubby even more nervous, nice wife!
The phone call finally came as I sat in the bathroom, I picked it up with a tentative, "Well?"
He said, "What do you think?
Very softly, with a questioning voice, I said "Yes?????"
"YES! I GOT THE JOB!!!" he shouted back.
I'm so excited and if I ever have to wait an entire day again, it'll be too soon! No more waiting...PLEASE!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What? Why? How?

Over the weekend I helped my hubby with mock interviews, preparing him for a Crew Chief job interview he had on Tuesday. Monday night, we realized we had NO HOT WATER! My first question to Anthony, "Did you forget to pay the bill?" (yes...I have him pay the bills so I don't get stressed out.)
Next we tried the heater to make sure that the gas wasn't shut down in error. Finally heading down to check a very old water heater (1989). The pilot light was out and water in the bottom. Well that was that, the old bugger was shot! No showers for us, which wouldn't have been so bad under normal circumstances, but the night before Anthony's big interview? Why do things like this ALWAYS happen at the worst possible times?
So my hubby had to wake up extra early, go over his friend's house to shower. Oh AND this same friend is a fellow employee going up for the same position. Bet he wanted to say, "No, you can't use my shower...the stinkier you are the better my chances.
My son, Elijah stayed the night at his friends house to use their shower, while I just went to work without one (I'm not a sweaty person & didn't really do anything the day before...justification for being too lazy to get up early to go to someones house.) I pulled my hair back in a pony tail, put a second layer of makeup over my old slept in makeup & headed off.
Everything worked out, Anthony did great on his interview and received a "highly recommended" to go on to the second interview TODAY at 3:00 p.m. This final interview is between Anthony and his friend. Fingers crossed, lots of prayers and ultimately whatever happens is exactly what is supposed to happen.
I've learned this over the years...the Lord guides our path and we need to just do our part to walk through the open doors and accept the closed doors as shutting out the wrong things and redirecting our path to new and better opportunities coming in the future.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Hey, It's Me!

I haven't updated on my son, Jullien Herrera, who is a model, (Red Model Mgmt) living the jet set life that I can only dream of. He recently returned to New York from Paris & Milan. This time around, I sent him off with a new camera (Christmas present that I told him is a must!) he was required to take pictures for me. He said it was really hard because he had so many castings and spent his time running around trying to find the places & communicate with the French and Italians for help.
Milan Agency-.Fashion-show card

Paris Agency-Marilyn MGM-show card

But he managed to take a whole day in Paris and said he got some AMAZING pictures for me. Unfortunately he dropped his laptop & now it wont turn on...so I'm still waiting for him to get it fixed and send me my pictures!
He has been to Paris before but this was his first time in Milan. As he stepped off the plane & walked through the airport, he was surprised to find this huge picture of a campaign he did for Sisley, shot by Terry Richardson, in the store window.

Jullien Herrera for Sisley Campaign
photo by: Terry Richardson
He said, it felt pretty cool and a little weird seeing his picture in Italy. He stopped to snap it with his camera phone to send to his mommy (yes I love it!).
Unfortunately he had to return a little earlier than expected, and wasn't able to do the Paris shows due to the passing of a friend that he went to High School with. He'd just hung out with her over Christmas. He was pretty shook up. He's had a lot of friends pass away and it never gets any easier to handle especially when kids are dying so young, and needlessly at the hands of prescription drugs and alcohol.
He's doing much better now and is back in New York with his girlfriend, Nichelle (also a model) and his comfort zone, which helps when you need support.
Jullien & Nichelle (Central Park last summer)

He's continuing to work and go on castings...New York Fashion Week's coming up.

more Sean John

photos by: Vincent Dilio

He will be heading off to Hong Kong in a few months...more pictures for me! yaya! What wonderful life experiences for my young 19 year old son!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Super Bowl XLV- It's PACKER Time!

To say that this is the game of games, is an understatement. Green Bay Packers have been my team ever since I was a little girl and took an unlikely interest in football.
How many little girls do you know that like, let alone understand football?

I raised all three of my boys to be Packers fans too. The only thing that could make this game sweeter is if my boys were all here to watch it with me. At least they'll be cheering our team on to victory.
We decided not to go to any parties this year because:
1. It's my team & I want to watch it...when you go to parties you end up visiting and missing a lot of the game.
2. My hubby, Anthony, is getting ready for a BIG job interview for a crew chief position for the City on Tuesday. We've been working on interview questions (mock interviews), and he's been studying so he'll be completely prepared. He has school on Monday night so not much time left for his preparation (prayers for him on Tuesday please!)
3. My back is still ridiculously sore and I have to lay down all the time (x-ray on Monday).
So this year will be a chill, kick back at home Super Bowl, and once they win, I can take the Packers helmet off the top of our t.v. (vowed not to remove it until they win), so it's been a part of my decor since playoffs started.
LET'S GO PACKERS...they've overcome adversity, fighting their way from a wild card team to the Super Bowl. The Packers have been on a roll, winning game after game, behind Aaron Rodgers (who obviously learned a lot from Brett Favre, by the way he's been playing.) With Clay Matthews attacking Ben Roethlisberger, play after play, you will see one frustrated Steelers QB.
This should be just one more game on the road to bringing the Lombardi trophy home.
I'll end this post with quotes from the great Vince Lombardi:
“If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in your lives.”
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”
“If you’re lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he’s never going to come off the field second.”
“After all the cheers have died down and the stadium is empty, after the headlines have been written, and after you are back in the quiet of your room and the championship ring has been placed on the dresser and after all the pomp and fanfare have faded, the enduring thing that is left is the dedication to doing with our lives the very best we can to make the world a better place in which to live.”
“Winning is not a sometime thing…it’s an all the time thing. You don’t win once in a while…you don’t do the right thing once in a while…you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit.”
“Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in. It’s a state of mind – you could call it ‘character in action.’” “Mental toughness is essential to success.”

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday my lunch plans with my sister fell through so as I was leaving work I remembered I had my camera with me. Rather than grabbing a quick bite to eat and heading home, I decided to go on a little walkabout.

yeah, ummm...think I'd keep my distance without this warning!

yeah, ummm...think I'd keep my distance without this warning!
million dollar homes overlooking the bay, Newport Beach, CA.
(Orange County)

rabbit's in the thicket

Not really dressed for the occasion (work clothes and high heels), I sucked it up. Directly across the street from my work is the Newport Beach Back Bay (ocean filters into wetlands). It's beautiful and I drive by it everyday...but I've never stopped to walk through it.

After taking tons of pics of the bay & birds, I decided to stop at a couple parks that I also drive by on my way to work.

I was now in photo mode and it felt good to get some creativity out.

(Orange County)

rabbit's in the thicket
Not really dressed for the occasion (work clothes and high heels), I sucked it up. Directly across the street from my work is the Newport Beach Back Bay (ocean filters into wetlands). It's beautiful and I drive by it everyday...but I've never stopped to walk through it.

The view was amazing, it was sunny and crisp outside, the birds were everywhere. I continued walking, dressed up and out of place, as people jogged by, rode bikes, and walked their dogs.
Giant White Egret (Newport Beach Back Bay)

I almost walked right past this Giant White Egret. It was hidden well in the brush, then I saw it moving ever so slightly, head upturned towards the wind, it's long neck swaying gracefully back and forth.

Giant White Egret (Newport Beach Back Bay)
I almost walked right past this Giant White Egret. It was hidden well in the brush, then I saw it moving ever so slightly, head upturned towards the wind, it's long neck swaying gracefully back and forth.

My final stop was a park with mounds of dirt and hills for the young competitive bicyclists to race and jump, capturing one of them through the thicket...

As I headed back to the car, after tromping in my heels through the bushes to get some cool shots, I came out to THIS SIGN...

Hmmmm....probably would've been good to see BEFORE I walked through there! It freaked me out, I mean, I live in the middle of a big city...who would've thought there was rattlesnakes in our parks~obviously not me!
this little guy was on the sidewalk in front of me looking
back at the bushes...obviously scared to death too!

this little guy was on the sidewalk in front of me looking
back at the bushes...obviously scared to death too!
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