Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy 23rd Birthday Joshy!

23 years ago (August 1, 1988), I gave birth to a HUGE (almost 9 lb) baby boy. He came out looking like he was 5 months old. A full head of black hair & he raised his head out of the hospital bed to look at everyone with his huge brown eyes.
Picture on the left (9 months pregnant)-I carried him like a fake beach ball in my stomach, which is why we were all so surprised he was so HUGE!
I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful son! He was always the All-Star in whatever sport he played, always the fastest guy on the team. He never had to put forth much effort, it just came natural. Which probably spoiled him a little bit. But it always made me so proud when everyone would say, "Wow...who is that kid, he's so fast?" 
Which I'd quickly reply, "That's my son!"

Joshy & Jullien (top two pics)
Joshy, Papa Joe & Elijah (bottom pic)
In high school, his friends would call him to do things on the weekend, but he was content to just hang out at home most of the time. Which always surprised my hubby...but I was glad! I loved never having to worry about him. 

Now that he's 23...I'm grateful I still get to spend time with him. We take family surf day trips & today we celebrated his birthday by going miniature golfing & go-cart racing.

I don't know how 23 years have gone by already, but I cherish every memory as if it was yesterday!


1 comment:

Kacrates said...

how nice! :) Congrats to him!