Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Bloggerception is real and you probably have it too! I used to go through my day on auto pilot. Wake up, shower, throw my makeup on, pull my hair back (if I'm feeling extra spunky, curl it). Grab a quick bowl of oatmeal, eat standing at the sink, toss the bowl in the sink and run out the door. Drive to work, making a mental checklist of all the things that I needed to do. Halfway to work wondering how I got to the freeway, I don't even remember the drive there. Hope I didn't run any red lights...DEFINITE auto pilot! Work, go home, run the kids around, make dinner, sleep and start all over again. That was BEFORE I entered the Blogosphere.

My days are completely different now! I wake up and immediately start to think, "Hmm, what can I Blog about today. I get in the shower, making a mental note of any mishaps, slipping, tripping, no soap, shampoo etc. Everything is a potential story. Putting on my makeup can also be interesting, depending on what happens. Eating and running out the door can be a whole adventure that might be funny. Yes my BLOGGERCEPTION is on HIGH ALERT. Driving to work is no longer, "Who am I and how did I get here?" It's all about stalking, staring and watching everyone and never want to miss that perfect story (i.e. the guy with the parrots on his fingers as he drove to work).

Yes, before Bloggerception I would have missed this! My perception has increased, making me feel ALIVE, I am no longer, robot lady. Work also is a great adventure, never missing a single thing (and I am not a detail orientated person). Kids, hubby, friends, sisters, one is off limits to my Bloggerception.

WARNING: You do it, I'll notice, be very careful or you WILL end up a VERY INTERESTING, AMUSING, JUICY little story in my Blogosphere world!!


~Trish~ said...

Ohhhh pick me pick meeeeeeeeee :)

Anonymous said...

OMG you are soo right about this!! EVERYTHING is a potential story;) LOL

Anonymous said...

I have always had it, what I like is that now when stuff happens that I see, I can share with everyone by blogging instead of with the same few friends that have to be thinking is she making this stuff up :o)

Anonymous said...

So true!

P.S. Found you via SITS. Great blog!

Aunt Julie said...

Experts say that writing every day helps you not only know more about yourself but about others and the world around you, too. So I think you're on to something here! Thanks so much for dropping by yesterday--I KNEW there was a reason you're often first in line at SITS! :) We'll have more rehearsal dinner news soon, so stop in again--thanks!

Henry said...

I feel the same way! and since I strted blogging, I'm less afraid o trying new things, because I'm thinking, "If I do this, I can blog about it!" Blogging is my Dumbo's feather! I'm having a giveaway this week. Swing your little self on by there!

Anonymous said...

Same phenomena around here - I always want to take a picture too!

April said...

How funny! I'm not that perceptive yet, and I'm not good at blogging as much as I should, but maybe I'll get into it more!

Robin said...

Oh mi gosh, I do the same thing! Glad you put a name to it.. :-)

Mandy said...

I definitely have this "consdition" also! I found you through SITS and you have one of the more interesting blogs I've come across in a hile. I've got you bookmarked.