Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Baby Starts High School

Tomorrow is the day I officially have to accept the fact that my baby boy is all grown up...he starts High School. Where has the time gone? It was just yesterday that we were going on bike rides. My chubby lil' Lijey sitting in his bike seat, big blue helmet, high on his head, barely able to fit his big noggin'. Laughing, pointing at all the "burdie's" flying around his chubby hand as he ate his sandwich.

In junior high I still felt a sense of connection with him during our every Thursday lunch days. He would get out of school early and it was our time together. We would take turns picking the lunch spot. Then spend time catching up on all the important things going on in his life. Not that he'd really tell me...but anything you can drag out of a teenager is special.
Elijah's 8th Grade Graduation

Natascha, Adam, Elijah, Josh, Me, Anthony & Dillon (Jullien was in NY)
Last week was my first experience not having anyone to go to "Lunch Day" with. Elijah was at freshman football practice, Jullien was in New York and Josh was working. I felt so alone, I guess I'm getting the beginning feelings of "empty nest" syndrome.

We spent tonight going school clothes shopping and then out to dinner. My stepson Dillon was going to pick him up for me tomorrow, but as we ate Elijah kept saying, "Well if he can't you can take me for my first day of High School." He said it a few more times throughout the night...so I took it as a hint that he really wanted me to drop him off. I had Anthony call Dillon and tell him I'd take Lijey tomorrow.

So I will drop my baby off at 6:30 a.m. (0 period starts at 7:00 a.m.) Saying goodbye to my baby...and our special lunch days. Wow, I never thought I'd take it so hard...I guess it's time to learn to embrace the fact that I will have more time for me again. This will be a new concept because I haven't thought about me since I had my first baby at 21~


Anonymous said...

thats great! award for you over at mine! :)

Helen McGinn said...

Sigh. I know I'm going to have to face these milestones one day. I'm semi-prepared but still. Hey, I'll have lunch with you on Thursdays if I can work out a way to get from Scotland to you in a 2 hour time window...one day, we will have that power. :O) x

FranticMommy said...

Don't be sad Mommy. I will be o.k
Our oldest starts First Grade next week. You'd think it would easier and I would be free of the all the "Kinder-tears" of last year. NOPE. I know I will cry my tail off.

Unknown said...

Isn't it funny how its like all of a sudden we wake up one morning and our kids are grown up? I've kept my baby a baby as long as I could and next year she'll be in high school too. It is so surreal how fast the time goes by. What I wouldn't give to have known what this would feel like many years ago.
Hugs to you today.

April said...

Ohhh sad! I can't believe Lijey's in high school now! I wish I was down there to have lunch with you every week! I'd love it! Hang in there! Miss you tons!

~Trish~ said...

Awe..that is so cool about your Thursday lunches! That's something you both will always cherish :)

Lisa Petrarca said...

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMMENTS. I started to cry again though...I'm such a baby!