Thursday, August 7, 2008

Okay...You Win!

Okay win! I got the message and I went. I didn't do lunges today, only ran two times around (my knees hurt...can you say OLD LADY!) BUT I did walk very fast two whole miles...WOO HOO!!

I'm still in agony but I'm going to keep trying. I'm hoping to recruit a few of my friends who are in worse shape than me so I'm not always last! Yep it's like that - I'm still very competitive even when I'm old, rickety and out of shape. Wish you were all here to join me, well not ALL of you, just the out of shape one's. LOL!

Bet you'd never guess that I was the only girl on the boys varsity soccer team in high school! AWWWWE youth...those were the days!!!


April said...

Good for you! Let me know how it goes! Maybe I'll start something after I have the baby! I need to get rid of my flab and tone up too!

Amanda said...

Yippee!!! Good for you to get out there and do it. I love running. It really helps get you in shape fast. Therapeutic, too. If the knees keep hurting, cut out the lunges for a few months. Running is hard on the knees and lunges are murder on them. Keep up the good work!

Lisa Petrarca said...

Thanks for the info...always happy to cut something out!LOL!

~Trish~ said...

YAY good job girlie!

Outnumbered2to1 said...

What? You are exercising? I'm ridiculously competitve. It's almost a sickness. I notice the sickness part when I couldn't let my three year old win at memory.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Gina said...

I'd be there in a heartbeat to join you if I had the joy of living in gorgeous California!!
Unfortunately, I am stuck in the boring midwest. :-P
Keep posting about how great you're doing- you might just motivate ME to get off MY butt!!
Good job!!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!
Anything is better then nothing even if it is just walking, that is where I am right now. 1hr of cardio a day. My trainer doesn't care if I walk, run, crawl she just wants a sweat. So if you broke a sweat you did a good job regardless of how far you went :o)

Jane said...

I forced myself to run today, my legs are killing me from the weights yesterday. If I could crawl back in bed and sleep I would be happy, but alas there are clients who want to see me.

Hobbling out of here....

Lisa Petrarca said...

Ohhh Jane...YES! I feel your pain, keep it up and we'll complain to each other. Hopefully after a few weeks we'll think it's all worth it. Oops, I mean after a few months (I still think I'm young and can get back in shape in two weeks LOL!)