Last night we had just started to walk our dog when Anthonys friend (who's in a band) called & invited us to go to the Sugar Ray show at the Galaxy. His band was opening for them & put us on the guest list.
I'm not a big Sugar Ray fan, but a free concert is always nice. Besides I've never seen his friends band before and I heard they were pretty good. They've been around forever, they're the original SUPERNOVA (pop-punk band)...before that rock show came out and stole their name. I guess they had a whole legal thing going on because of it and won. Since we haven't been to very many concerts lately, I think the last ones were Social Distortion & the KROQ Weenie Roast which were awesome...I thought it should be pretty fun.
So about Sugar Ray...last I remembered Mark McGrath was a host on Extra or something like that. I had no idea they were still playing, let alone had a new album out. I have to admit that I did like those three songs, Someday, Fly & Every Morning.
I loved Supernova...they're a crack up. When Sugar Ray came on I found myself singing along to the three songs I mentioned, but other than that, I wasn't impressed. He played tons of cover songs and the whole show was pretty flat and boring. Once he started singing the new songs...we decided it was time to go.
So I'd have to say...don't rush out and buy the new CD. I'm sure you were all planning on it, right? LOL!
Always a fun night out with the hubby & friends though.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Carmel By The Sea
I LOVE these pictures we took on our way back from our trip. We stopped off at Carmel By the Sea and took some fun shots. My hubby's a goofball...he never ceases to surprise me. I told him to pose pretty for this pic (this is what he gave me)....he cracks me up!

~My tattooed punker turned ballet dancer~

Not to be out done (i've always been a tomboy); I climbed the tree (even though I'm afraid of heights)...I wanted a cool shot too!

More tree climbing below (check out the little asian girl peaking out)~She was mad we were climbing in her tree.

Isn't it a gorgeous place? Click to see CARMEL BY THE SEA OFFICIAL SITE
~My tattooed punker turned ballet dancer~
Not to be out done (i've always been a tomboy); I climbed the tree (even though I'm afraid of heights)...I wanted a cool shot too!
More tree climbing below (check out the little asian girl peaking out)~She was mad we were climbing in her tree.
Isn't it a gorgeous place? Click to see CARMEL BY THE SEA OFFICIAL SITE
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Controlling the Control Freak
I tend to be a bit of a control freak...anticipating each and every possible scenario and looking for ways to shape it into the ideal situation. I usually am only like this with my immediate family.
I don't know, I think it's a protection thing...a mother's instinct.
When presented with certain trials, I work out all the different angles in my mind and then try to figure out the best course of action. I know that I can be a bit overbearing at times, but I just want to spare my family any unnecessary hurt and pain.
My son had to meet with some people today and I was a little leary of the whole thing due to a recent situation that happened leading up to this meeting.
I sat at home last night before the big meeting worrying the entire situation to death in my mind. At one point letting my emotions bring me to tears.
How can I protect my child if these people decide to hurt him emotionally?
A part of me wanted to call the whole thing off. Avoidance sometimes seems better than the unknown, endless possibilities that your mind can create when left to it's own devices.
I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. Who offered me his words of wisdom.
Lis, just let it go. It's out of your hands. There is nothing you can do, it is something that your son wants and needs to happen. Let go of all of your fear, hurt and what if's...turn it completely over to God and let him handle it.
He prayed with me & can I tell you how much peace I had immediately! The weight was lifted, I knew that the Lord heard our prayers and would work it all out.
I then continued to pray for the people who were to meet with my son. I prayed that they would open their hearts & minds and see what an amazing person he is.
He called me after it was done to say that it went well and that he thought they were really nice. He could tell they were just as nervous as he was.
I've decided to really work on controlling the control freak in me. When situations seem unbearable, when I feel myself losing it, I'm going to stop and immediately pray.
It's amazing how the Lord comforts and lifts the burdens.
I don't know, I think it's a protection thing...a mother's instinct.
When presented with certain trials, I work out all the different angles in my mind and then try to figure out the best course of action. I know that I can be a bit overbearing at times, but I just want to spare my family any unnecessary hurt and pain.
My son had to meet with some people today and I was a little leary of the whole thing due to a recent situation that happened leading up to this meeting.
I sat at home last night before the big meeting worrying the entire situation to death in my mind. At one point letting my emotions bring me to tears.
How can I protect my child if these people decide to hurt him emotionally?
A part of me wanted to call the whole thing off. Avoidance sometimes seems better than the unknown, endless possibilities that your mind can create when left to it's own devices.
I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband. Who offered me his words of wisdom.
Lis, just let it go. It's out of your hands. There is nothing you can do, it is something that your son wants and needs to happen. Let go of all of your fear, hurt and what if's...turn it completely over to God and let him handle it.
He prayed with me & can I tell you how much peace I had immediately! The weight was lifted, I knew that the Lord heard our prayers and would work it all out.
I then continued to pray for the people who were to meet with my son. I prayed that they would open their hearts & minds and see what an amazing person he is.
He called me after it was done to say that it went well and that he thought they were really nice. He could tell they were just as nervous as he was.
I've decided to really work on controlling the control freak in me. When situations seem unbearable, when I feel myself losing it, I'm going to stop and immediately pray.
It's amazing how the Lord comforts and lifts the burdens.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Offer
Yesterday was the first day of our house showing. I had mixed emotions...sad because we have raised our kids here, and anxious for the next phase of our lives. We spent the last couple of days getting it ready for the showing (which was a nightmare). You try getting teenage boys to clean their room, I mean really clean...getting all the stuff out of their hiding places (under the bed, behind the dressers, shoved in the closets).
We had two couples come to look at it. Our Realtor walked out with the second couple & came back in and said, "We have an offer & it's full price." I was shocked, I wasn't ready to hear that. I didn't think it would happen that quick. I was planning on some time to deal with it and really let it soak in.
As she continued talking, I found myself trying to hold back the tears. Her voice began to sound like that Charlie Brown cartoon,
I started telling myself, "Don't cry, you stop it right now!"
When she left to print out the paperwork my hubby hugged me and said, "I'm sorry your sad, but everything will be alright...we'll find the perfect place to move to."
After signing all the paperwork, I wanted to go to the movies to get my mind off of everything. We ended up going to see, "The Book of Eli" starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis (That's 70's show), & Jennifer Beals (Flashdance).
OMG...I LOVED that movie! It was the perfect thing for me to see. It was not only entertaining but had a great message too. It gave a glimpse into the future...kind of an end of times type movie with a message. Not like the movie 2012, which was so ridiculous my husband and I were laughing through most of the parts.
Anthony said, "I could see that movie again." He never wants to see movies twice!
So as this new year gets going I find myself learning to embrace change, trust and adapt to new is always an adventure.
A home is not just a place, it's somewhere that you can be you, safe & secure, surrounded by the love of your family.
We had two couples come to look at it. Our Realtor walked out with the second couple & came back in and said, "We have an offer & it's full price." I was shocked, I wasn't ready to hear that. I didn't think it would happen that quick. I was planning on some time to deal with it and really let it soak in.
As she continued talking, I found myself trying to hold back the tears. Her voice began to sound like that Charlie Brown cartoon,
I started telling myself, "Don't cry, you stop it right now!"
When she left to print out the paperwork my hubby hugged me and said, "I'm sorry your sad, but everything will be alright...we'll find the perfect place to move to."
After signing all the paperwork, I wanted to go to the movies to get my mind off of everything. We ended up going to see, "The Book of Eli" starring Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis (That's 70's show), & Jennifer Beals (Flashdance).
OMG...I LOVED that movie! It was the perfect thing for me to see. It was not only entertaining but had a great message too. It gave a glimpse into the future...kind of an end of times type movie with a message. Not like the movie 2012, which was so ridiculous my husband and I were laughing through most of the parts.
Anthony said, "I could see that movie again." He never wants to see movies twice!
So as this new year gets going I find myself learning to embrace change, trust and adapt to new is always an adventure.
A home is not just a place, it's somewhere that you can be you, safe & secure, surrounded by the love of your family.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Travel To Mendocino County
I'm feeling a little better tonight...thought I just had a migraine, but turned into the stomach flu (yuck!). Slept most of the day and it was the perfect day for it...rainy.
I was able to get some of my Mendocino Anniversary Pics up. But I still need to tell you about the funny stuff that happened~I'll post that when I'm feeling a little better.

This is where we stayed-Little Rock, CA~Mendocino County

10 yr. Anniversary/New Year's Eve Dinner

Anniversary Night Out

Beach in Little Rock, CA

Leggett, CA

Surprised to find this giant Chess set on the property where we stayed

Fort Bragg~Trying to scare my Hubby, he turned around & caught me!

Drive up to Mendocino~Pic of a Winery

Fort Bragg, CA

Practicing his model pose

Leggett, CA (My hubby being a dork)

Inside the middle of a hollowed out Redwood

I leaned my head on the tree & then got scared there might be ticks on it (I'm lookin for those little buggers!)

Leggett, CA Drive-Thru Tree

We'll definitely go's just breathtaking!
I was able to get some of my Mendocino Anniversary Pics up. But I still need to tell you about the funny stuff that happened~I'll post that when I'm feeling a little better.
This is where we stayed-Little Rock, CA~Mendocino County
10 yr. Anniversary/New Year's Eve Dinner
Anniversary Night Out
Beach in Little Rock, CA
Leggett, CA
Surprised to find this giant Chess set on the property where we stayed
Fort Bragg~Trying to scare my Hubby, he turned around & caught me!
Drive up to Mendocino~Pic of a Winery
Fort Bragg, CA
Practicing his model pose
Leggett, CA (My hubby being a dork)
Inside the middle of a hollowed out Redwood
I leaned my head on the tree & then got scared there might be ticks on it (I'm lookin for those little buggers!)
Leggett, CA Drive-Thru Tree
We'll definitely go's just breathtaking!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Tornado Touched Down In OC

I never thought I'd be blogging about a tornado here in the OC. But today it actually happened. The school sent an email saying that they put the high school on lock down because of the warning (the H.S. is only a couple of blocks from the beach.)
In the harbor a water spout was spotted in the ocean heading for the shore. It hit Pacific Coast Hwy., turned over cars & continued into the harbor overturning a 40ft catamaran. It tore the roof off of several homes & buildings.
I was at home with my son & my friend (I've had a migraine for two days & now my stomachs acting up). The rain was coming down so hard & the wind was howling...they say it got up to 80 mph. We all jumped up because it was so loud and ran to the window. It looked like a hurricane...very crazy.
I know those of you who live in places that have to deal with this all the time are probably thinking, "Big deal." But for us in So. Cal., it is a big deal. Things like this just don't happen here. Earthquakes we're used to but tornado's, not so much.
I guess the next few days are supposed get even worse. Two days of rain in a row is ridiculous for will we ever survive 5 days!! LOL...yes we are VERY spoiled here!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Off to LA Today
K, the pics have nothing to do with the story...they're from Christmas Eve, but I finally was able to download them & was anxious to put them up!
Jullien, Elijah & Me (2 of my Boys...missing Josh)
Today I had to drop Jullien off in LA at Alvera St. for a photo shoot. I heard that there was going to be an awesome photography show in Santa Monica so I thought, "PERFECT...I'll go to that and wait till he's done so I don't have to go all the way home & then try to get back in traffic."
I loved the show (PHOTO LA 2010- CLICK HERE) gave me so many ideas, not just regarding my photos but also matting & framing. One of my favorite exhibits was the first one I saw when I walked in titled "Created Equal" by Mark Laita. It was a portrayal of people at the opposite ends of the spectrum or similar (i.e. An African American Christian woman & a white supremicist tattooed male prisoner; a fur trapper & a lady wearing fur, vegetarian & a butcher, a dancer & a boxer). It really made you think. We are all created equal...the difference is life choices. It was VERY COOL...I loved the whole concept behind it.
Then I went down to Santa Monica pier & snapped some cool random pics and hung out till Jullien was done. I grabbed something to eat, sat on a bench overlooking the ocean & some fisherman who were directly below me fishing off the bottom area of the pier. A man sat near by playing the guitar and singing a mixture of jazz & 60's music. I leaned back and thought, "This is exactly what I need. I'm always running & racing around with sports, practices, meetings, and work, it felt so good to have no one needing me for a while."
I looked down to see the large crab that the fisherman had caught scrambling around in the metal wash basin. Kids ran over to peak excitedly inside, as the man told them, "Don't touch him...he'll pinch you." Once the kids left, I had to laugh because every time he turned around to fish, a group of pigeons would swarm the basin, trying to get some easy lunch. He was twisting and turning every few minutes to flail his arms at looked pretty funny.
I need to take the family there, they've never been...I wish our pier was like that!
Anyways, Jullien was happy to work with the photographer, Mark Humphrey, (Humphrey Creative), he said he's a really cool guy and easy to work with. He actually did a viral video for the same photographer back in New'll be coming out soon. The designer & photographer really liked him & so they came back to LA to shoot him. Check out the Photographer's work...(He's done a lot of the Budweiser commercials) CLICK HERE.
After he was done, I picked him up and we went down and walked around Melrose & did some shopping. He was getting mad at me because I was taking too long...typical boy. He was supposed to go to a party with his girlfriend and was trying to rush me.
I actually hate to shop too, but I love this Vintage store on Melrose called, "CROSSROADS TRADING CO - Click Here." I bought some cute tops for $8.00 & a black Armani jacket for $12.00! I'm the bargain shopping queen, I love finding cute, funky clothes for cheap. Besides, I can't feel guilty about shopping for myself at those prices.
We left Melrose so late that I thought we'd miss all the traffic, but even at 7:00 p.m. we still sat in it! I could never work somewhere that I had to commute, what a nightmare!
I have to say that it was a really fun day...I always love doing different things. Not to mention getting to spend some time with my son while he's here (heading back to New York the end of this month). I'm definitely not one of those mom's who wants her kids to move out once they graduate. I wish they could live with me forever...I miss not having them all at home. It gets too quiet!
Today's Tip: All mom's should take a couple of days a month to do something for themselves!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Trip to Mendocino
I've only been able to get a few pics up of our Anniversary trip to Mendocino's a preview. I still have some picture stories to tell once I get those downloaded.

Stopped to take this pic on the drive up

Fern Forest on the property where we stayed

Stopped to take this pic on the drive up

Fern Forest on the property where we stayed

View after walking out of the forest
Trail down to the beach
First beach view
Relaxing on the property
Property that we stayed at.
beaches of Mendocino,
fern forest,
Little River,
Mendocino county
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Closing Chapters
I received the news that I was waiting for mid afternoon on Tuesday. I have to admit that it wasn't a shock, I was expecting it. It did however signal finality, closure to a long ordeal that I had prolonged forever.
I'd imagined this moment for happy and free I would feel. The burdens would be lifted, I would be okay again. However, something was different. I was relieved that it was done and I was happy for myself and my family. But I sat alone trying to pinpoint why I wasn't ecstatic. This is the final chapter of a LONG story. I should have been going crazy with the excitement of being DONE. You see, this "thing" that I've been dealing with was also going to cause hurt for someone else.
Over the years and during my many struggles as a single mom, and dealing with the pain of my first husband cheating on me, I've learned to have empathy for others. I constantly put myself in their shoes. My moment of joy was no longer complete...I knew that someone was seriously hurt and I felt bad for them. It wasn't something done intentionally, it was the unfortunate residual fall out of this "thing."
I wish I could help them feel better. Let them know that I'm sorry they are hurting and that time & God heals all pain. These aren't just words, I know this because of all that I've been through and the change that's occurred in my life.
As I write this final closing chapter, so many emotions are racing inside of me. I hope that through the joy, pain, sorrow and new beginnings, everyone will emerge stronger, and closer as new relationships begin to form.
By: Lisa Petrarca
Goodbye to my burdens & pain
I've carried you around with nothing to gain.
You've broken me down
Pinning my soul to the ground
While I was unable to make a sound
Wanting to cry out with shame
With no one but myself to blame
Holding it deep inside
Running fast to push it aside
Waiting for the day that I could confide
Goodbye to my burdens & pain
I can now start to explain
Peace of mind I will finally obtain
No longer will I be held by this chain
A new beginning I will now attain
I'd imagined this moment for happy and free I would feel. The burdens would be lifted, I would be okay again. However, something was different. I was relieved that it was done and I was happy for myself and my family. But I sat alone trying to pinpoint why I wasn't ecstatic. This is the final chapter of a LONG story. I should have been going crazy with the excitement of being DONE. You see, this "thing" that I've been dealing with was also going to cause hurt for someone else.
Over the years and during my many struggles as a single mom, and dealing with the pain of my first husband cheating on me, I've learned to have empathy for others. I constantly put myself in their shoes. My moment of joy was no longer complete...I knew that someone was seriously hurt and I felt bad for them. It wasn't something done intentionally, it was the unfortunate residual fall out of this "thing."
I wish I could help them feel better. Let them know that I'm sorry they are hurting and that time & God heals all pain. These aren't just words, I know this because of all that I've been through and the change that's occurred in my life.
As I write this final closing chapter, so many emotions are racing inside of me. I hope that through the joy, pain, sorrow and new beginnings, everyone will emerge stronger, and closer as new relationships begin to form.
By: Lisa Petrarca
Goodbye to my burdens & pain
I've carried you around with nothing to gain.
You've broken me down
Pinning my soul to the ground
While I was unable to make a sound
Wanting to cry out with shame
With no one but myself to blame
Holding it deep inside
Running fast to push it aside
Waiting for the day that I could confide
Goodbye to my burdens & pain
I can now start to explain
Peace of mind I will finally obtain
No longer will I be held by this chain
A new beginning I will now attain
closing chapters,
goodbye poem,
Monday, January 11, 2010
Patience...I Need More Patience
I'm so mad right photo loader is messed up & I haven't been able to upload any of my pictures from our anniversary trip to Mendocino. I've really been trying to work on my patience, but the computer stuff just really ticks me off! Speaking of patience, I had another action packed weekend. My sister (April), brother in law (Tyler) & their 4 kids are down from Utah. They needed me to babysit the kids on Friday night till 1:30 a.m. They are all really young & baby Tyce is still breastfeeding, (not a good thing for the potential babysitter).

My Lil' Sis & Brother In Law & The Kids




How cute are they?!?
As you can imagine, Friday was a little crazy. I also had my step-daughter Tasha's 21st birthday dinner. So I rushed home from work to make the Taco's & a cake before the kids got dropped off. Luckily I had lots of helpers...Tasha, my boys & their girlfriends were helping with the baby, who wasn't too happy all night.
Saturday we took the kids to the beach & I got some really great shots under the pier. It was such a cool day. When we were walking on the pier, there was this huge Pelican just standing on the rail. People were gathering around it & inching their way up pretty close to take some pics. My niece & nephews were really brave and just walked right up there. I'll post them too if I can get my I Photo to work!
We walked a little further and there were two dolphins swimming by. At the end of the pier there was another Pelican just walking around checking everyone out. It was so weird...I've lived here forever & have never seen Pelicans just hanging out like that. Next a helicopter flew really close to the water, right by us...the kids loved it! The waves were HUGE, it was sunny & warm. What a perfect day.
We stayed a little too long & rushed home so I could make another cake & then head out to Glendora for my sister Stacy's birthday dinner. She turned 47 & of course I had to make sure I put on all 47 individual candles. Everyone was cracking up because it looked like the whole thing was on fire. She blew it out in one breath...we looked down & the candles were all little nubs melted into the frosting...YUM!
Sunday it was off to church first thing in the morning, out to lunch with everyone afterwards & then home to get ready for the end of the year football banquet (this is always a 4hr. event). Finally got home at 8:30 tonight and tried downloading my pics...NOPE not gonna happen!
Patience...I definitely need more of it...or to try to find some way to slow my life down a little bit.

My Lil' Sis & Brother In Law & The Kids




How cute are they?!?
As you can imagine, Friday was a little crazy. I also had my step-daughter Tasha's 21st birthday dinner. So I rushed home from work to make the Taco's & a cake before the kids got dropped off. Luckily I had lots of helpers...Tasha, my boys & their girlfriends were helping with the baby, who wasn't too happy all night.
Saturday we took the kids to the beach & I got some really great shots under the pier. It was such a cool day. When we were walking on the pier, there was this huge Pelican just standing on the rail. People were gathering around it & inching their way up pretty close to take some pics. My niece & nephews were really brave and just walked right up there. I'll post them too if I can get my I Photo to work!
We walked a little further and there were two dolphins swimming by. At the end of the pier there was another Pelican just walking around checking everyone out. It was so weird...I've lived here forever & have never seen Pelicans just hanging out like that. Next a helicopter flew really close to the water, right by us...the kids loved it! The waves were HUGE, it was sunny & warm. What a perfect day.
We stayed a little too long & rushed home so I could make another cake & then head out to Glendora for my sister Stacy's birthday dinner. She turned 47 & of course I had to make sure I put on all 47 individual candles. Everyone was cracking up because it looked like the whole thing was on fire. She blew it out in one breath...we looked down & the candles were all little nubs melted into the frosting...YUM!
Sunday it was off to church first thing in the morning, out to lunch with everyone afterwards & then home to get ready for the end of the year football banquet (this is always a 4hr. event). Finally got home at 8:30 tonight and tried downloading my pics...NOPE not gonna happen!
Patience...I definitely need more of it...or to try to find some way to slow my life down a little bit.
a piece of cake,
big sister,
football banquet,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
New Beginnings
We had the most amazing time on our anniversary trip to Mendocino. That place is gorgeous! I'll be posting the pictures this weekend...there's sooo many of them that it's going to take me a while. I have a couple of funny story's too. But I want to post the pics to go along with it so you can get the full effect.
Today started a new beginning, I have some things that I've been dealing with from the past lately. This morning I had to meet with some people and I was really nervous because it's kind of an awkward, but necessary step to fix some issues that have been hanging over my head for a long time. Before I left, my stomach was killing me. I just didn't want to have to face any of it.
I was however pleasantly surprised. It was a little uncomfortable, but the people I met with were great. They were both warm and seemed to be very receptive. I actually realized that under different circumstances, the girl would have been someone that I probably would have been friends with. She just seemed like a great person.
Everything went pretty smooth and I left there feeling a bit closer to the closure that I need for myself as well as my family.
Its funny how we build up situations in our minds, making ourselves literally sick, only to find out that it wasn't as bad as we had anticipated.
One step here's to NEW BEGINNINGS in 2010!

Today started a new beginning, I have some things that I've been dealing with from the past lately. This morning I had to meet with some people and I was really nervous because it's kind of an awkward, but necessary step to fix some issues that have been hanging over my head for a long time. Before I left, my stomach was killing me. I just didn't want to have to face any of it.
I was however pleasantly surprised. It was a little uncomfortable, but the people I met with were great. They were both warm and seemed to be very receptive. I actually realized that under different circumstances, the girl would have been someone that I probably would have been friends with. She just seemed like a great person.
Everything went pretty smooth and I left there feeling a bit closer to the closure that I need for myself as well as my family.
Its funny how we build up situations in our minds, making ourselves literally sick, only to find out that it wasn't as bad as we had anticipated.
One step here's to NEW BEGINNINGS in 2010!
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