OGGI'S PIZZA & OC PIZZA donated ALL the Food~100% of Profit benefitted the Gane Family!
Owner of Oggi's in the striped shirt with Al & Maria
Jr. Midget Team Fundraiser Dinner
Raising money to help a family with a sick child is something that far out weighs our situation! I keep praying for a purpose in my life...being the change in someone's life has given me a direction. "I am only one person...what can I do?" This question was one that I often asked myself, which was followed by, "Nothing I guess, so I wont do anything." Year after year, excuse after excuse, I would repeat this. Until I realized, I can do small things that might make a BIG difference to someone else.
If you have been pondering this...I'd like to encourage you to start with SOMETHING! No matter how small, the little things will lead you into bigger things, before you know it, you've changed someone's world. The less time you spend focusing on yourself the better you'll feel.
Today our team gave of our time and money to help relieve the burden for a family with a sick child. Small but meaningful, rewarding and encouraging...I can make a difference in someone's life...one small act of unselfish giving at a time. I would like to challenge you and ask that by the time you reach your 100th, 200th or 500th post...you write about something that inspired you to be the change in the world!
I have attached a few of my favorite posts from the past year...I hope they will inspire at least one person to reach out~I started with a true story about an amazing experience that changed my life.
I would like to close my 100th Post with a story:
Cherokee Indian Legend
Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youth's rite of passage? His dad takes him into the forest, blindfolded and leaves him....alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night...and not take off the blindfold until the ray of sun shines through it. He is all by himself. He cannot cry out for help to anyone.
Once he survives the night he is a MAN. He cannot tell the other boys of this experience. Each lad must come into his own manhood. The boy was terrified-could hear all kinds of noise...Beasts were all around him. Maybe even some human would hurt him. The wind blew the grass and earth...and it shook his stump. But he sat stoically - never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he could be a man.
Finally, after a horrific night...the sun appeared and he removed his
blindfold. It was then that he saw his father sitting on the stump next to him...at watch...the entire night!
We are never alone. Even when we do not know it, our Father is protecting us...He is sitting on the stump beside us. All we have to do is reach out to Him. Joshua 1:9
Way to go girl and inspire others to do the same!
Thanks, it means a lot coming from you!!!
Oh what a great idea, I'm almost to my 100th post, mind if I copy this idea??? Can't wait to go back and read your fav posts.
Sure...I found myself re-reading old posts to put on here...things that I actually needed to remember! Can't wait to see yours!!
Can I repost this Indian Legend on my own page?
It reaches deep into how I've felt these last couple of months. Please let me know...
Sure!!! I hope it helps you, as it has encouraged me through many difficult times.
I'm reading these and getting caught up!
I'm really enjoying reading your blog.
very cool post! You truly are a modern day brady bunch, and you are truly making a difference in our society...Angels Among Us...
Congrats on being today's FB!!!
What a great post! I LOVE the links to your favs from the past year
Oh, I'm going to have to bookmark *this* post, so that I can go back and read all the *other* posts! :)
Congrats on hitting your 100th and also on being the SITS FB today! Woo! I hope you get lots and lots of commenty love!
You are a true inspiration...Congras on your SITS feature, you deserve it.
That's so awesome...truly inspirational. I will also be coming back to visit all those other posts when I have more time!
I love the story, I was kinda hoping it would end with something like that. I got chills! Mind if I pass it on? I'm planning on comming back to check out some of those other posts later.
That is awesome! Helping those in need is something more people need to look in to. Very inspiring :D
Congrats on your 100th post, congrats on your SITS day, and very inspirational post. Thank you!
What a great post- I don't have time to read all your faves right now, so I am adding you to my sidebar so I can come back and get caught up then keep up with what's going on.
Thanks for sharing, and congrats SITSta.
you really are inspirational in so many ways - thank you!
I LOVE this post. What a great inspiration. I'm sure your fundraiser helped out that family so much and even more than just money.
Love the Cherokee legend story, too. Our Father is faithful at watch over us. Terrific.
And you may say "Brady Bunch" but your family is way hotter than those kids!
That's really awesome that you've reached out to people that way. We always get more blessing out of serving others.
Happy SITS day!
I couldn't decide which post I liked best, so I'll comment on all three here. Great idea for the coughing kids; awesome vacation pics (and your lucky son); but I love the last post best. You're right; when we look beyond ourselves and help others, that is when we can truly find peace and happiness.
Congrats on being featured today!
I love this post! What a wonderful thing to do for a family in need! I also went back and read your Christmas miracle story - it made me cry! It is definitely important to make a difference in this world.
I've been working on being more aware of the needs around me. It's more important than being so self-focused all the time!
What a great post!
and what a wonderful way to "make a difference"
what an inspiration you are. Thanks for sharing this with us!
I've posted 98 posts so far...still gotta get my 100th together!!! :)
What a beautiful story you shared at the end of this post. You are right that reaching out to help someone else is often the way we can find joy in our circumstances. And often we find ourselves feeling the most blessed because we gave.
You are so right!
What a great message that you are living out for your kids!
I read your Christmas miracle story and was so touched by the kindess you received as such a low point in your life. No wonder you have such a giving heart; you have experienced the love of others poured out on your behalf.
I agree with you here about the importance of trying to make a difference. I have been talking with my husband about this sort of thing a lot lately -- I feel like I need to be a part of something bigger than myself and this little world that just involves us & our dogs. Your posts are very inspirational :]
Humanitarian service, or charity work, or philanthropy - whatever you call it - IS THE BEST! It is one of the few roads that lead to JOY! If only more people would choose to meander down that road more often, imagine how different of a world we would live in. BTW - loved the legend at the end! ;)
That is a brilliant idea. I unfortunately don't have time to read each of your inspiring posts, but the Christmas one left me with tears rolling down my cheeks. So poignant, and I'm so glad for you -- and more so for your boys -- that Christmas was such a miracle for you.
What a beautiful family and beautiful character to realize the importance of being blessed by blessing others.
What a remarkable lady you are! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing that :) Happy SITS day!!!!!
Good for you...a kind and giving heart will get back what it deserves!!!
What you do is great. And I love that story at the end.
What a terrific 100th post. You are an inspiration to us all. Thanks for your good example.
What a great way to celebrate your 100th! I'm definitely inspired. I hope whatever you're going through gets better as you help others. I know it always works that way! The story is encouraging too! Thanks. :)
What a lovely post. Thanks for sharing it. Happy SITS day.
Congrats on your 100th. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing
It's amazing how much a simple thing like helping others can do wonders for us as well. Thanks for reminding me that I need to be a little more aware!
I have been wanting to get my girls involved in volunteer work, but they're only 6 and 19 months. I'm working on finding organizations that will allow kids to help as well.
What a great inspiration you are to others!!! You go girl
Congrats again on your SITS day!!!
That was just the inspiration I needed today! Thanks
Wonderful posts and inspirational stories.
Hey Lisa! Good reminder on how we *can* all make a difference. We just need to remember that not all of us are called to help in monumental ways. We can make a BIG difference just by smiling at the person in the car next to ours at the stoplight.
It seems so many get caught up in thinking they are "too busy" to get involved, as well as thinking that someone else will step up to the need. When really, getting involved would mean giving up something we are used to doing/having. What is often forgotten is that there are many rewards for doing so - just not in the way we expect to be regarded.
THANKS Lisa - for your inspiration! May God continue to bless you and our family and all those you help.
Great post and stories
You're in the OC?? So am I! I will bookmark you and come back and spend some time browsing!
'Tis true, we get self-absorbed a lot, I know I do.
I need more selfless thinking - thanks for the inspiration!
You are so right~ sometimes not only am I self-absorbed, I forget that even the smallest act of kindness can mean the world to someone! Thank you for reminding me of this. I also really love the Cherokee Indian Legend story you told~ it's so beautiful!
Great message, awesome post! I totally agree with you 100%!
Sorry I'm so late for your feature!! This was very inspirational...and so true. It's a helpless feeling when someone is in need because we don't always feel like we are in the position to give. But every little bit helps and I love that you are putting yourself out there. Very inspirational!
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