Yesterday we took my niece & nephew on the L.A. tour.

Tried on stuff, took pics & ate. It was so ridiculously hot!
niece whitley & my sons gf charmaine
whitley & my sister stacy...who picked out your hat?LOL!
me & my sis were obviously having an ugliest hat contest, who wins?
nice look joshy!
nephew johnny & joshy
you can never have enough shoes!

My son had to leave early to make it back to Orange County in time for work. He called my sister & let her know that there was a nice little present on her car.
They had posted this 2 hr. parking along a street that I always used to park on for hours at a time.

NONE of us noticed it. The ticket was hand written & the $55.00 amount was crossed out & they put $60.00. She was so upset. I already had to force her to come with us because she has major family drama going on with one of her sons.
Next we headed to Santa Monica pier. Walked around, sat at the end of the pier, kicked back and listened to this guy.

He had an absolutely incredible voice...who would've thought by looking at him? Goes to show ya...don't judge a man by his appearance.

nothing like a stroll on the santa monica pier...
The final stop ummmm yeah...idk...
What can I's obviously Venice Beach, no questions needed, right? Check out the ladies faces!

My sister has been wanting a jacket that one of her friends got there. We found it right away, but decided to walk down a little further to see if we could find another store selling it to bargain the price. We didn't realize how far we had walked when all of a sudden everyone started closing up their shops.

My niece & I started running back to get to the store before it closed. We ran & ran & ran...but by the time we got there, it was closed! When my sister reached us, I think she wanted to cry. She said, "Wow...I get to pay a $60.00 ticket & I get to go home without my jacket!"
I couldn't help but laugh. I tried not to because I knew she was really upset. She went & sat on the bench away from me.
What a mean sister I am. But in my defense, I was just shocked at how bad her luck is...& the whole thing was comical. I told her that she'll feel like laughing about it later.
The whole ride home she kept asking, "How do you like my $60.00 jacket?" As she held up her bright yellow parking ticket for us all to see...sending me into a laughing fit again.
On a positive note, my son & nephew went back there today & got the jacket for her...
AND, she called on the ticket & they told her it had been voided. I told her, "SEE...everything worked out!"